About Us

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Welcome fellow web explorer to a site that’s just a bit off the beaten track but is as familiar as your favorite comfy blanket. Here is a little bit about us.

Have you ever had a rough day and find yourself hoping it will get better?

Sometimes there’s no way around it except to keep going and hope for the best? Or one can just stop and smell the roses and…wait …that’s a bit too cliche.

So what’s this about? What are we about at WeDiscoverHappy.com?

Is this some new transcendental meditation to elucidate a path to nirvana?

No, what we are about is something far more simpler…

We are KnK and we are about finding and filling the need to make you happy !!!

From the Daily Stresses

This need can take the form of anything positive you can imagine.

Consider this thought, as we go about our daily lives, we will come across many stresses that can bring us down or divert us from our preferred steady path.

This is not a mere observation but a basic fact that is all too unavoidable in this modern life.

Starting from the alarm clock at the start of day.

To the transit to where ever we need to go. At work or figuring out a meal.

Till we get home and attempt to unwind…until the neighbor’s dog starts barking at the chattering squirrel perched on the fence…ironically just out of reach.

Not to mention the constant barrage of info from the multi media, fully accessible, from our cell phones, computers, radios and TV.

Positive thoughts and Happy moments

Yet, through the daily challenges, we also encounter instances where we are just stopped in our tracks.

From the smile of a stranger walking by, or the laughter of a child playing.

The sound of a favorite tune on the radio, or the sight of a great looking car driving by.

The smell of freshly baked bread at the bakery, or the vibrant colors of the flowers in a garden…

From each of these vivid moments we are touched in some special way that just washes away all the dregs of the day and we are left cleansed with only that simple feeling of pure joy and happiness.

These happy moments are the vast inspirations for us and from which we draw on for this website.

The possibilities are endless for what can trigger happiness for everyone each and every day

Happy Effort About Us

Which makes it a great challenge to find them and post them here…but that is also a happy effort in of itself.

So please join us and allow us to help you discover your Happy Place!