Food and Drink

Happy Food and Drink

The one phrase that best describes the topic of Food and Drink, would be “Eat, Drink, and be Merry!”

So our goal is to discover anything edible and drinkable that will make us happy and full!

And with these discoveries what is better than to share them with all our readers.

So as the saying goes, food and drink tastes best when it is shared with friends!

Varieties of Food and Drink

We are fortunate to live in a metropolitan location where the population is so diverse.

So many different types of people have immigrated to this city that we are blessed with an ever increasing variety of ethnic menus.

And with this amazing variety of good food to sample, the difficulty comes to deciding on where to start?

Albeit, we must also consider our budget and the little time we have since we can’t possibly try everything!

But that in itself is a happy endeavor as food sampling is one of our favorite hobbies.

Another possibility comes from the variety of amazing food events that occur regularly in the city throughout the calendar year.

So within one event, it is possible to sample quite a large variety of food such as at the Gourmet Food and Wine show.

In addition, many of the ethnic communities give back to their communities by holding large multi day street food festivals.

So over a couple of days, one can indulge in Greek food at the famous Taste of the Danforth, or go to China town to check out Taste of Chinatown, the choices appear endless!

Snack foods welcomed

With the diverse people in the city, they also include a growing dimension of snack foods and drinks that were once limited to those fortunate enough to have relatives who occasionally bring yummy snacks from overseas.

Most notable are the number of asian and southeast asian store chains opening up in the city.

Within these stores, one can find some of the most wild and flavorful snacks and drinks you can ever imagine.

Increasingly imported into the city are snacks from one of the most snackable countries in the world, Japan.

Not to put too much of an emphasis on this, but lately Japanese snack food and drinks has been all the rage.

In addition are snacks from China and all over southeast asia, which are all well advertised in the supermarket chains. Especially during special seasonal events.

Some snacks are even tied to famous movie, anime, or gaming characters adding their charm to the fray.

We can go on with snacks but we’ll save that for further blogs. Stay tune!!

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