Happy Toys

Happy Toys

What often brings a warm happy feeling or induces a wide grin is when we play with happy toys.

Or come across old toys and have them remind us of the happy feelings we once had playing with them in the past.

There are many ways with which we can introduce happy toys back in our lives.

What we would like to explore are the many kinds of toys that can bring joy to people.

And we are not just looking at kids toys, but also the many types of toys that can make grown adults squeal with joy!

Happy Toys for the Kids

For the kids or the kids at heart, what do you think of when we ask what toys did you play with?

For many kids these days, there are the latest fads such as fidget spinners, the latest Pokemon games or accessories, the ever challenging flying drones.

With the older types, we tend to think of board games, video games, the ever present Lego.

There are too many to mention, but we can slowly go through them as a fun exercise.

But the list of all time favorite toys still goes back to the classic versions for both girls and boys.

The list , in no particular order, mentions Barbie, GI Joe, Hot Wheels, Easy-Bake oven, Yo-Yo, Silly Putty, and more.

It is surprising how long these toys have been around and are still being made.

Which just shows how enduring they are as they have become a part of our happy childhood memories.

Toys for the Bigger Kids

Toys currently in the market have become more associated with the entertainment industry.

Increasingly, the trend is to tie them to a movie franchise, show, book with its own line of products.

No company in history knows this better than Disney, an entertainment juggernaut that has literally produce lines of collectible products for every one of its movies, shows, and cartoons.

The past year alone has seen Disney churn out its Marvel/Avengers, Star Wars, Frozen, Toy Story movie franchises with a mountain of innumerable toys.

Each one introduces a range of toys that run the entire spectrum of ages, from the infants up to adults.

Besides the toys for kids, Disney has also come to understand the collectible value of its toys to the older generations.

Take for example the line of toys first introduced by Kenner for the first series of Star Wars movies.

There were only a hundred action figures and action vehicles introduced in the movies, and all very collectable.

Now that Disney has bought the movie franchise, they have literally exploded the number of toys.

All the toys have also gotten so much better in quality that many like the recent Lego line of Star Wars vehicles have already become collector items.

Let’s explore them all!

We have only scratch a small part of the kinds of toys we like to look at and share with everyone.

So please stay tune as we start our journey to explore the world of Happy Toys!

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