Happy Travels

Happy Travels

Some of the most vivid happy feelings I get is when I have the opportunity to go on any form of Happy Travels.

Ask anyone, and I’m sure they could describe the anxious sleepless night they have just before they go on a trip.
That’s how I feel even as I go about packing or preparing.

Regardless of just how broad a subject matter it is to discuss, with travel we have the freedom to explore and discover all manner of places, peoples, and things.

Where do we start on Happy Travels?

Finding the places to start our travels can be done on a dart board, or more simply begin at our home base.

From our home base, such as our front door, we start in our neighborhood, exploring the many interesting shops and eateries.

Jump a few kilometers and we can be in the next town or city with more fascinating places to see and experience.

Using the services of a travel agency or go online to a travel site, we can go even further abroad which can really expand our horizons.

Challenge of the many destinations

This challenge can be a very happy endeavor, because the options are literally infinite, or at least, as infinite as your bank account.

However, if the budget is a limiting factor, there are still many possibilities, whereby we are merely limited by our imagination.

This just stirs the explorer in me to search out and experience as much as possible.

In turn, sharing that experience is also fun because then that story becomes a happy travel.

Finding that Happy Place

Take, as an example, one weekend my wife and I had an urge to travel downtown and explore again.

Everyone these days has a dislike to travel downtown due to the traffic and congestion and the sheer time it takes to get there.

However, all this was not an issue as we simply had that urge to just get up and go!

So off we went which turned out very well, all things considered. And that’s it?…you ask?

Well, no, because the highlight came when we discovered that a new type of Japanese store, called MUJI, had just opened near one of the city gathering spots.
The store was comparable to an IKEA, but with a lot of Japanese flavor.

In any case, walking through the aisles and floors was quite a site to behold.

There were all matter of clothing, furniture, stationary, kitchen ware, house ware, too much to grasp all at once.

But it was still fun to explore and we even purchased a few neat kitchen gadgets.

It was all extremely satisfying to go to a new place and find new things to share.

But the cherry on top came when we sat down for a bit of Japanese Matcha tea and biscuits.

While we sat and pondered this fine cafe, we over heard conversations from all the various patrons.

The young and old all had interesting and positive comments to say about the new store.

And the one comment that truly expressed our joy that day came when a pair of young shoppers walked by.

In all the din of the shop, we could clearly hear her happily say aloud that, “I found my Happy Place!”

We couldn’t express it any better than that!

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