Home electronics

Home Electronics

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Addressing the topic of home electronics can be a very tricky issue as it is such a broad topic.

These electronics can be anything, from the humblest Sony walkman (I’m definitely dating myself here!).
The big flat screen UHD Super-duper 4K T.V.s, the newest gaming consoles, to the latest smart home systems.

Even old home electronics, like vintage TVs, or table-top vinyl record players are finding new life as handsome collectibles…worthy topics of discussion, with stories as plenty as a voluminous table-top tome.

What to look for in Home Electronics

With this in mind, where do we start?
What do we look for that can truly brighten our eyes and lighten our wallets!

For every home electronics product out there, there are dozens or more of reviews.
There are the high grade techno-wiz analysts, to the professional home decorator, etc.

There are rules too, such as how far is the viewing distance for different size of T.V.s, or what are the optimal space for certain speakers and the power they can pump out before they drive the neighbor crazy!

What I want to do is to take a more holistic approach to reviewing the products we find, simply, will it make you happy!?

So many types of Electronics to choose from

In this age where the multi media is an ever present omni-presence in our midst, we can drown in the multitude of devices that we use in order to get our fix of information.

In fact, people are so much more online now, playing games, shopping, surfing, messaging, blogging, that the electronics industry is constantly trying to come up with new devices with which they can physically connect us to the online world.

Go to a local Best Buy or online to Amazon, and one can find a whole array of devices with which we can use to access all manner of information. Which do we start with?

The Wonderful Television

We can start with the one device which still holds a central presence in the home, the Television.

There was a time when one can count on one hand the number of electronic companies that built the best and most reliable TVs that a consumer could ever ask for.

Forward to the present and the variety of TVs have virtually exploded to literally encompass any size for every viewing pleasure. Everything from the tiniest sets for the mobile home to the largest screens that are installed in sports stadiums.

When it comes to selecting a TV for the home, the picture size and picture quality are no longer the only determining features. TVs are now so sophisticated, like the modern cell phone, that they rival the desktop computer.

Within the past decade, TVs have increasingly been branded as Smart TVs, which are capable of accessing the online world and performing many of the same functions as those on a computer.

In this way, the manufacturers have been able to keep the TV as the prime home device with which we turn to for our information and entertainment.

From all the available manufacturing brands, one that currently stands out in innovation and quality is Samsung.

For the past decade, Samsung has not only been a leading innovator in the cell phone field.

But their TVs have gained an almost cult like following similar to what Sony had 20-30 years earlier.

One only need to look up Samsung TVs and you will be presented with a plethora of enhanced devices to make the eyes water.

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