Home Inspirations

Happy Home Inspirations

Bring a piece of love with you

“Where ever you go, where ever you live, bring a piece of love with you…”
A subtle quote once whispered to me gently from a dusty old picture in an antique store.
Providing the home inspirations on how we can make a happy home.

At the time I was merely a stranger in a strange land staring wide eye and curious at all the wonderful old items from places and times too distant to recollect.

And yet, in hindsight, all that exploration brought about in me a deep appreciation for anything that can be humanly treasured.

From the tiniest tin trinket, to the largest plush toy, or the simple but elegant Asian wall scroll to the overly large leather couch.

It is amazing to see how many things in a house can become so special that each piece becomes an integral part of the home.

Start with the first piece you love

I do not presume to be any kind of professional interior decorator or home designer, but what I have come to understand after many travels and personal moves, is that, although there can be certain methodologies on decorating a house.

That throughout it all, in order to truly make a home into a happy home, it all starts with the first piece of item which we hold dear, and then we build from there.

The Lego Approach to Home Inspirations

I liken this approach to a favorite distraction of mine…LEGO !

You can certainly build anything with these colorful building blocks, but when it comes to building something you really like, well…the color and shape of the blocks and how you place them simply has to be what you want them to be.

In the very same way, whether you are in a new home or simply renewing an old one, how you want the home to be starts with finding the items you truly love and how you want them to be in it.

That’s how we find Happy Home Inspirations!

The Blue Couch

In my case, my wife and I found a very versatile navy blue couch which had two large detachable heavy cushions that stay on the couch by virtue of cleverly hidden weights.

Hence, we could place the cushions on the side, middle, or any which way to make the sofa super comfy, or take them off to make the sofa a twin size sofa-bed for guests.

This sofa is the very first item we loved and placed in our new condo, and from there we just slowly added each new piece until eventually it was truly our home.

A quote for Home Inspirations

“A home comes to life when there is true love within it!”

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